Why A Complete Computerized Engine Analysis Is Worth Every Penny

Computerized Engine AnalysisIn 1970, the average car had only $25 worth of electronics. By 1981, the average car electronics had risen to more than $1,000 per car, and by 1996 to more than $1,500 per car. And the number is still rising.

Today, a vehicle’s computers operate almost every system — air conditioning, radios, airbags, alarm systems, anti-lock braking systems, traction control, ride control, cruise control, electronic digital and analog instrument panels, automatic transmissions, and last but not least, emission and engine controls.


Auto Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

These auto air conditioning maintenance tips will help keep your car keep its cool, including how air conditioning works and a trouble-shooter's guide to automobile air conditioning.

106 110 01Other than a radio, auto air conditioning is the most popular new-car accessory today. Over 75% of all pride and joys roll out of the showroom with "factory air." What's more, each year a half-million used cars have air conditioners added. 

Even though air conditioners are only slightly less common than rear-view mirrors, few car owners have any clear idea just how one works or what to do if it doesn't. It's an unknown realm where the normally adventurous amateur mechanic fears to tread. There is some reason for this reluctance.